Our Story



Callum James was born 7 weeks early on April 10, 2021 in a small town in South Carolina. His first-time parents, Lindsay and Eli, were traveling to a wedding and Lindsay went into labor while driving with Eli and her parents. An emergency stop at a small hospital is where Callum’s life started, he was airlifted to Charleston to the NICU. Unfortunately, Lindsay had complications after Callum’s birth and had to go into surgery where the doctors had to perform a hysterectomy to save her life. She was then airlifted to Charleston as well. After weeks of recovery, the family was flown back to Minnesota and life was normal and all were healthy. On November 4, 2021 the unimaginable happened; Callum stopped breathing while napping and was not able to be saved.

In the following weeks, Jerry and Tracy (grandparents) along with Lindsay and Eli (parents) committed to creating a foundation to honor the short but significant life of Callum James. At the funeral, Jerry wrote a poem to honor Callum titled “Fly High” and that is why the foundation became Fly High Foundation. The founders and board of directors are committed to having the foundation focus on creating lasting memories for infant angels and ensuring they will be “Always loved, always remembered.”



Fly high little man
You left us too soon
Fly high little man
Go visit the moon
Fly high little man
Try out your angel wings
Fly high little man
Live the life that heaven brings
Fly high little man
Watch over us here
Fly high little man
Our love for you is clear
Fly high little man
Never forget our names
Fly high little man
Miracle Angel Callum James